
LGNZ 2024 red 3958 x 630 px

Whether you're an experienced local government leader or a newcomer to the field, SuperLocal has something for everyone — from building stronger economies and forging authentic partnerships with Māori to tackling issues of representation and emerging climate challenges.

Session one | 9.00AM | Thursday 22 August

Bringing localism to life

Bringing localism to life isn’t just about what central government can do to enable more decision-making and action at the local level. It also requires us to think about what local government can with what it already has — and how it can champion and action the change they want to see on the ground. In this session we’ll explore tangible ways councils can work with their communities to bring localism to life. We’ll hear from community and business leaders about how councils can shape and deliver strong and effective outcomes, now and in the future.

Session two | 12.00PM | Thursday 22 August

Unlocking local and regional economic growth – Sponsored by Arup and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Growing our economy isn't just about numbers; it's about building thriving communities where people can live, work, and play. This session will explore local government’s crucial role in driving economic growth by unlocking the potential of our towns, cities and regions. We'll dive into infrastructure’s crucial role in economic development, and how councils can use local solutions to overcome some of the challenges that hold our regions and communities back from realising their true economic potential.

Session three | 3.00PM | Thursday 22 August

Forging authentic partnerships

Effective decision-making requires diverse perspectives and genuine collaboration, and local councils know that forming authentic partnerships is key to tackling complex local issues. This session will showcase innovative approaches to strengthening relationships between local and central government, while also highlighting successful, meaningful partnerships with business and Māori across the country and overseas. You’ll hear from a key person behind the Verity House Agreement in Scotland, a new deal between the central and local governments of Scotland, and we'll explore the Atom Valley project — a public/private partnership in Greater Manchester. This session will also feature a discussion with experts in both government relations and partnerships with Māori.

Session four | 9.00AM | Friday 23 August

Reimagining representation from the ground up – Sponsored by MartinJenkins

It’s time to rethink how we run local government from the ground up. Our current system isn't quite cutting it for our communities, and it's time for a change. But change can feel overwhelming. In this session, we'll dive into how different pieces fit together and push you to reconsider the old ways of doing things. With thought-provoking talks and insights from experts, we'll explore different approaches from around the world. We'll take cues from innovative projects like the Dublin Citizens' Assembly to spark ideas for new ways forward.

Session five | 12.00PM | Friday 23 August

Fostering sustainable adaptation: Local solutions for global challenges – Sponsored by Boffa Miskell

Climate change is a universal challenge — one with significant local repercussions. That’s why councils must collaborate with communities to find sustainable solutions that work for everyone. This session will emphasise the interconnectedness of climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, and the role local government can play in creating resilient towns, cities, and regions. Through discussions and real-world examples, we'll explore pragmatic, scalable and affordable strategies that not only help combat climate change, but make our towns, cities and regions better places for our people.