Te hui a ngā Mema Pōti Rangatahi

Young Elected Members hui

LGNZ 2024 red 3958 x 630 px

Wednesday 21 August 9.30am-1.30pm 
Mabel’s, 66 Tory Street, Wellington


Registrations open


Welcome, overview and reflections




Workshop and discussion


Closing comments



Join us for the Young Elected Members hui ahead of LGNZ's annual conference SuperLocal. This hui is tailored for our younger local leaders, specifically those under 40 years old (yes, under 40 is considered young). You'll gain valuable insights, build lasting connections, and find support and resources to lead with vision and purpose.

There’ll be an opportunity to reflect on current challenges and opportunities and identify ways to work together — including progressing the YEM strategy and kaupapa. We'll focus on getting stuff done!

Whether you're a newly elected representative or have been around the traps a little longer, this hui provides an opportunity to share, learn, and grow alongside other passionate advocates for positive change.

If you're already registering for SuperLocal, you can book for the YEM hui as part of your conference registration. For those registering solely for the hui, you can register here.

Note this event is only open to elected members aged 40 or under on the day of the 2022 local body elections