SuperEngaged Award

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This award is all about the fresh and creative ways a council has encouraged their community to participate in local government. They’ve found a way to ensure local voices contribute to decision-making — including voices that aren’t always heard. Through these innovative approaches to engagement and participation, these councils have made sure their communities’ views are truly reflected in their work.


For the SuperEngaged Award, you must demonstrate the following:

  • Inclusivity and diversity. You can demonstrate engagement with a wide range of community members, especially those who aren’t often heard from in local government.
  • Innovative engagement methods. You have used creative and innovative approaches to community engagement, ones that move beyond traditional methods and lead to greater and/or broader community participation.
  • Genuine responsiveness. You can provide tangible examples of how community feedback was not only collected, but also actively influenced decisions and approaches.
  • Positive impact and outcome. You can provide success stories or metrics showing the tangible benefits to the community resulting from this engagement initiative.
  • Transparency and accountability. You have evidence of clear communication and reporting back to the community about the engagement process and the subsequent actions taken.

Let's celebrate the initiatives that truly bring communities together, giving voice to every member and creating more responsive and inclusive local governments.


  1. In 2,500 words or less, applicants for the SuperEngaged Award should provide a detailed submission outlining how they’ve met the criteria above.
  2. Submit a minimum of two, maximum of four, pieces of supporting evidence such as engagement materials, participation data, feedback mechanisms, and examples of resulting policy or programme adjustments. These should be in either .pdf, .png or .jpeg format.
  3. Provide two PR summaries. One should be 150 words or less, and the second 500 words or less. The PR summaries may be used if the nominee is a shortlisted finalist or winner and may be used in press release(s), promotional or marketing activities.


  • To be eligible to enter, the applicant must be a current LGNZ member organisation at both time of application and at the awards ceremony.
  • Applicants, their current employer or employer at time of application through to the completion of the Awards process may not have been prosecuted, fined, or have charges or fines pending, for a violation of any environmental, social, or commercial law in Australia, New Zealand or overseas in the past three years.